Thursday, June 26, 2008

Library Thing Tagging

Library Thing tags: 809.92(1) 2007(1) 21-0(1) adult nonfiction(1) assigned reading(1) bibliography(1) books about books(1) children(1) children's(1) children's fiction(1) children's literature(8) children's literature genres(1) curriculum(1) education(2) elementary(1) fiction(1) giveaway(1) historical fiction(1) illustrated(1) Information Needs of Children(1) international literature(1) librarianship(1) library(1) library science(3) library stuff(1) lis 5564(3) Literacy(1) literature(2) MC-Native American(1) multicultural(2) non-fiction(4) picture book(1) poetry(1) professional(1) rc n/a(1) rc na(1) reading(1) scholarly(1) School(1) Summer(1) teacher resource(1) teaching(1) text(2) Textbook(7) unread(2) Unreviewed(1) week1(1) Writing(1)

Library Thing link:

I chose Essentials of Children's Literature by Carol Lynch-Brown. The book discusses the presentation of literature and sharing literature with children. It is comprised of three parts. Part One is about current trends and introductory materials needed to begin selecting, reading, and evaluating children's trade books. Part Two defines and describes genres of literature and the types of books found within those genres. The part that interested me the most is Part Three because it presents curriculum and teaching strategies. I like that the target audience is for K-6.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Library & Education RSS Feed

Looking at School Library Journal gave me a number of choices for an RSS feed. I decided to choose two of them. The first one I chose gives information on education news in general. The second one I chose gives information on library tools and trends. 

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Library Podcast

Search Engine:
Podcast Name: Notes From The Electronic Cottage 6/12/08 by Jim Campbell

Topic: These days we hear that the Internet is killing libraries. That would be a surprise to the hundreds of thousands of Mainers who find that today's libraries are both "brick" and "click," both physical spaces and gateways to the cyber world of information, including information we would have to pay for if we tried to access it ourselves.

I chose this podcast because it gives a great example of how libraries and librarians are changing to meet today's society.  In a technologically driven society, the state of Maine is adapting its libraries. Almost every library has high speed internet and other digital services. This not only includes elementary school libraries, but university and public libraries as well. Services (I didn't think of) like a subscription to a medical journal where you can look up and print an article that you would otherwise be charged for.  You can also receive assistance when searching for information, the correct information. As Jim Campbell puts it, "Libraries can help us get access to loads of information. Librarians can help us make sense of it." Well put!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Blog Entry/Quote

Search Engine Used:
Excerpt from Reflecting on 568 - Changing Role of the SLMC
Posted by: Elizabeth

On a related note, the use of the term "media specialist" instead of "librarian" reflects this change in the view of the role of the "library". No longer is the library merely a holding space for books, but rather a laboratory for learning, creating, and participating.

Elizabeth is a grad student at UB library sciences program. It is interesting to note that library science students across the nation are looking at how libraries and librarians are changing in today's society.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


This blog was created to satisfy requirements for my master's course LS 5013, Information Storage and Retrieval at TWU.
The topic that I will be exploring is the changing role of the elementary school librarian. Gone are the caretakers of book collections with expertise in author's studies and encyclopedia searches. Now, elementary school librarians are expected to be information providers, production specialists, and teachers of electronic information retrieval.